Food insecurity and scarcity is a common problem in Indiana, with 800,000+ Hoosiers struggling to find or afford their next healthy meal. Thrive believes that every Indiana resident deserves quality, healthy food, and we’re dedicated to making that happen in our region. That’s why we’ve paired with Produce for Better Health to provide eligible residents with quality fruits and vegetables, at no cost!

The Produce for Better Health program is an excellent way to improve the health of food insecure individuals, as it provides 2-4 ounces of fruit and vegetables per day to eligible recipients. These recipients already receive regular meals through our Indiana Area on Aging meal program, and the addition of fresh fruits and vegetables will only improve the quality of their meals. Participants are encouraged to track their weight and blood pressure throughout their time in the program. This information is then collected and analyzed to determine if our communities are becoming healthier under this program.

Alongside our partners at Catholic Charities, Midland Meals, and Georges Pharmacy, Thrive has supplied residents with 545 produce boxes, weighing 8175 pounds of produce total.

Erin Campbell, Associate Director of the Aging and Disabled Services Division, manages Thrive’s work in the program. This work involves delivering produce and tracking the weight and blood pressure data, with help from several Indiana State University student interns.

“I enjoy being present [at the produce deliveries] to see how grateful some of these individuals are,” Campbell explained. She noted that those enrolled in the program look forward to their monthly produce deliveries and are incredibly excited when she arrives.

“Our services area has many parts that would be considered a food desert,” she continued, “and this opportunity . . . is a welcome opportunity to provide fruits and vegetables to individuals that may not have it otherwise.”

Thrive plans to continue this program until the end of the grant, which is projected to be in the summer of 2025. We hope to continue to support our food insecure community members for as long as possible!