jobs that are more than jobs

At THRIVE , we focus on trying to make a difference for our communities and the individuals that make up our communities. When you join our team, you are starting a journey to improve your community. Many team members initially sought a job, but have since transformed their roles at THRIVE into careers. Regardless of your goals, we have a place for you.

THRIVE offers great benefits and competitive pay. We care about creating prosperity for all. If you or someone you know is the type of person that is passionate, a critical thinker and problem-solver, and wants to have a career that matters, then we’d love to have you on our team!

Why We Do It

We do it because we care. We don’t do this for the income. We do it for the outcome. We do this because we believe one person can have a huge impact on a community. Our team is filled with passionate and knowledgeable advocates. We are here for those who do not have a voice or know where to go for help in times of crisis. We are here to serve. We treat all individuals like family to give them the care and support they need. Our loved ones and community members provided for us all their lives, it’s our chance to take care of them in their time of need.

Take a couple of minutes to watch as our staff share why their jobs are not just jobs.


Current Openings

Meet Our Teams

Made up of 50+ trained and caring individuals, the Thrive team is excited to help you reach your goals! Our staff is compassionate and efficient and works hard to listen to your needs and find resources to help you thrive! Meet our passionate team below!

Admin Team

Ryan Keller
Ryan KellerChief Executive Officer
Shelly Madden
Shelly MaddenChief Operating Officer
Gabriel Cheek
Gabriel CheekChief Technology Officer & Marketing
Dana McLain
Dana McLainController
Amy Spence
Amy SpenceExecutive Assistant
Ashley Gordon
Ashley GordonDirector of Human Resources
Joyce Stafford
Joyce StaffordOperations Assistant
Patrece Dayton
Patrece DaytonDirector of Business Development
Shelly Amerman
Shelly AmermanPublic Relations Manager
Marissa Schmitter
Marissa SchmitterMarketing Director
Chris Durcholz
Chris DurcholzLeadership Coach
Cody Bender
Cody BenderDirector of Finance
Lisa Lively
Lisa LivelyAccount Specialist
Caden Mason
Caden MasonStaff Accountant
Becky Edwards
Becky EdwardsReception
Dianna Presslor
Dianna PresslorReception

Aging Leadership Team

Jessica Taylor-Rendón
Jessica Taylor-RendónVice President of Aging
Amber Scott
Amber ScottDirector of ADRC
Courtney Holston
Courtney HolstonDirector of Health & Wellness & TBI
Holly Hall
Holly HallDirector of Encompass
Leah Sparks
Leah SparksQuality and Training Manager

Aging & Disabled Resource Center Team

Salina Pethtel
Salina PethtelOption Counselor
Steve Caldwell
Steve CaldwellOption Counselor
Morgan Thompson
Morgan ThompsonOption Counselor
Amy Schorr
Amy SchorrDementia Outreach Specialist

Care management Team

Lacy Irwin
Lacy IrwinCare Manager
Melissa Craft
Melissa CraftCare Manager
Dana Reese
Dana ReeseCare Manager
Rachael Edwards
Rachael EdwardsCare Manager
Lillian Switzer
Lillian SwitzerCare Manager
Leylei Rendón
Leylei RendónCare Manager
Angela Magee
Angela MageeCare Manager
Kate Wade
Kate WadeCare Manager
Melissa Griese
Melissa GrieseService Coordinator
Patty Butterfield
Patty ButterfieldCare Manager
Kirrsten Todd
Kirrsten ToddCase Assistant


Darlene Brown
Darlene BrownSHIP Counselor
Diana Thompson
Diana ThompsonSHIP Counselor
Terri Lovell
Terri LovellSHIP Counselor

Transportation Team

Matthew Tribble
Matthew TribbleDirector of Transportation
Wendy Brys
Wendy BrysTransit Vehicle Operator - Dispatch
Philip Haverly
Philip HaverlyTransit Vehicle Operator
Micheal Crowley
Micheal CrowleyTransit Vehicle Operator
Brett Johnson
Brett JohnsonTransit Vehicle Operator
Bobbi Osborn
Bobbi OsbornTransit Vehicle Operator
Thomas Nichols
Thomas NicholsTransit Vehicle Operator
Harold Castle
Harold CastleTransit Vehicle Operator
Lorene Benefiel
Lorene BenefielTransit Vehicle Operator

Community Development Team

Kristi Whitacre
Kristi WhitacreDirector of Community & Economic Development
Kristine Krueger
Kristine KruegerSenior Grant Administrator
Karen Schneiders
Karen SchneidersSenior Planner
Jordan Cunningham
Jordan Cunningham Grant Writer
Michael Shaw
Michael ShawPlanner
Kane Bradley
Kane BradleyGIS Analyst
Chris Hicks
Chris HicksData Collection Specialist

Housing Team

Julie Hart
Julie HartDirector of Housing
Michele Barrett
Michele BarrettUrban Growth Strategist
Christopher Shober
Christopher ShoberProject Manager
Heather Presley-Cowen
Heather Presley-CowenCapital Stacker and Strategic Consultant
Christopher Volk-Zimmerman
Christopher Volk-ZimmermanData and Analytics Consultant

Board of Directors

Jim Meece
Jim MeecePresident - Commisioner
Larry Moss
Larry MossVice President - Councilman
Tim Garrett
Tim GarrettSecretary - Private Sector Appointee
Bill Rennels
Bill RennelsTreasurer - Councilman
Todd Barton
Todd BartonMayor
Lynda Dunbar
Lynda DunbarMayor
Brandon Sakbun
Brandon SakbunMayor
JD Wilson
JD WilsonMayor
Brian Wyndham
Brian WyndhamMayor
David Berry
David BerryCommissioner
Melissa Buell
Melissa BuellCouncilwoman
Mark Clinkenbeard
Mark ClinkenbeardCommissioner
Marty Heffner
Marty HeffnerCommissioner
Misty Hess
Misty HessCommissioner
Cameron Martin
Cameron MartinCouncilman
Kerry Williams
Kerry WilliamsCouncilman
Rick Woodall
Rick WoodallCommissioner
Samantha Cooper
Samantha CooperPrivate Sector Appointee
Chadd Jenkins
Chadd JenkinsPrivate Sector Appointee
Brendan Kearns
Brendan KearnsPrivate Sector Appointee
Cory Lookebill
Cory LookebillPrivate Sector Appointee
Kara Skinner
Kara SkinnerPrivate Sector Appointee
Andy Stone
Andy StonePrivate Sector Appointee
Dave Williams
Dave WilliamsPrivate Sector Appointee
Douglas Bates
Douglas BatesCouncilman
Kristin Clary
Kristin ClaryPrivate Sector Appointee
Bob Davis
Bob DavisCommissioner