Submission Deadline: July 19, 2024 @ 3 pm ET

Pattern Book Request For Proposal

Thrive West Central’s Housing Hub seeks proposals from experienced firms to create an innovative, comprehensive Pattern Book for Vigo County and its unique communities. This book will serve as a pivotal guide for fostering inclusive, context-sensitive development across our county’s diverse urban areas, historical neighborhoods, and rural landscapes. It aims to standardize accessibility while honoring neighborhood contexts through new construction and adaptive reuse projects, seamlessly integrating them into both our burgeoning urban centers and cherished rural downtowns.

Pattern Book containing House Blueprints

The Pattern Book will

  • Establish design and development standards that prioritize accessibility for all, ensuring visitability.

  • Present architectural patterns that reflect and enhance the existing character of neighborhoods while providing for modern, inclusive living and working spaces.

  • Facilitate the strategic use of available land for new construction, emphasizing designs that blend harmoniously with existing structures and landscapes.

  • Promote adaptive reuse of buildings within urban and rural downtowns as a sustainable approach to revitalization, incorporating accessibility and contextuality as core principles.

  • Serve as a key resource for developers, architects, planners, and community stakeholders, guiding countywide development efforts that respect historical integrity, community identity, and future growth aspirations.

The contracted firm will

  • Conduct comprehensive research to understand the county’s architectural diversity, accessibility needs, and development potential.
  • Collaborate closely with community representatives to ensure designs resonate with local values and needs.
  • Develop detailed design patterns for new construction and adaptive reuse projects that prioritize accessibility, sustainability, and aesthetic harmony.
  • Integrate contextual analysis tools or guidelines within the Pattern Book to assist developers in making site-specific decisions that align with community contexts.
  • Provide practical implementation strategies for the patterns, including potential (traditional and non-traditional) financing models, capital stacking options, and regulatory navigation tips.
  • Produce a product that is digitally accessible, ensuring its availability to all individuals when published online or in digital formats.
  • Include/suggest mechanisms for the Patten Book adaptability, given the rapid pace of technology, social media, etc.

Proposals should detail

  • Firm’s experience with similar countywide or large-scale urban and rural planning projects, especially those focusing on accessibility and context-sensitive development.
  • Approach to incorporating accessibility standards and neighborhood context into architectural designs and development strategies.
  • Case studies or examples of past projects that have successfully integrated new constructions with existing community landscapes and/or executed adaptive reuse projects.
  • Project team composition and expertise in accessibility, urban and rural planning, and sustainable development.
  • Projected timeline and budget, including all necessary stages from initial research to final Pattern Book delivery.

Proposals will be evaluated on

  • Demonstrated understanding of the project’s objectives and the unique challenges of developing a countywide Pattern Book.
  • Proven track record of innovative, accessible, and context-sensitive design and planning.
  • Quality and feasibility of the proposed methodology and project plan.
  • Strength and relevance of the project team’s expertise.
  • Overall cost and value offered.
  • Participation of local and perhaps small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the project.

Terms and Conditions

  • Thrive West Central reserves the right to reject any and all proposals.
  • This RFP is not a contract offer, and acceptance of a proposal does not constitute a contract agreement.
  • Confidentiality regarding proposal content and discussions will be strictly maintained.

Proposal Timeline

  • Please submit proposals electronically by July 19, 2024 at 3 pm ET

  • For inquiries prior to submission, contact Julie Hart, Director of Housing, at, no later than July 16th, 2024.

We invite firms who are passionate about creating inclusive, contextually integrated development across our county to submit their proposals. We look forward to partnering on this critical initiative to guide our county’s growth with thoughtful, accessible, and beautiful design solutions.

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